How much is Discovery Plus

How Much is Discovery Plus?

If you're a fan of streaming services, you've probably heard of Discovery Plus. Launched in early 2021, Discovery Plus has quickly become a popular platform for streaming some of the best shows and channels in the world. But how much does it cost to subscribe to Discovery Plus? In this article, we'll take a look at the pricing plans offered by Discovery Plus and help you decide which plan is right for you.

Discovery Plus Pricing Plans

Discovery Plus offers two pricing plans: Standard and Ad-Free. Here's a breakdown of each plan:

Standard Plan

The Standard Plan is the basic plan offered by Discovery Plus. It costs $4.99 per month and includes the following features:

  • Access to all shows and channels on Discovery Plus
  • Limited ads during shows and movies
  • Ability to download and watch content offline
  • Ability to stream on up to two devices simultaneously

Ad-Free Plan

The Ad-Free Plan is the premium plan offered by Discovery Plus. It costs $6.99 per month and includes the following features:

  • Access to all shows and channels on Discovery Plus
  • No ads during shows and movies
  • Ability to download and watch content offline
  • Ability to stream on up to four devices simultaneously

How to Sign up for Discovery Plus

To sign up for Discovery Plus, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Discovery Plus website or download the Discovery Plus app on your mobile device or streaming device.
  2. Click on the "Start Free Trial" button.
  3. Choose your preferred plan - Standard or Ad-Free.
  4. Create an account by entering your email address, password, and payment information.
  5. Start streaming your favorite shows and channels on Discovery Plus.


In conclusion, Discovery Plus is an excellent streaming service that offers some of the best shows and channels in the world. With two affordable pricing plans, it's easy to see why it has become such a popular platform. Depending on your budget and preferences, you can choose either the Standard or Ad-Free Plan to enjoy your favorite shows and channels without any interruptions. Don't forget to check out our articles on Discovery Plus Shows and Discovery Plus Channels to discover some of the best content available on the platform. If you have any questions about Discovery Plus, check out our FAQs section below.


1. Is Discovery Plus available worldwide?

Discovery Plus is available in select countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and India. You can check the availability of Discovery Plus in your country by visiting the Discovery Plus website.

2. Can I cancel my Discovery Plus subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your Discovery Plus subscription at any time by visiting the "Account" section on the Discovery Plus website or app.

3. Does Discovery Plus offer a free trial?

Yes, Discovery Plus offers a 7-day free trial for new subscribers. You can sign up for the free trial by visiting the Discovery Plus website or app and choosing your preferred plan.

4. Can I stream Discovery Plus on multiple devices simultaneously?

Yes, depending on your subscription plan, you can stream Discovery Plus on up to two or four devices simultaneously.

5. What payment options are available for Discovery Plus?

Discovery Plus accepts several payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and Google Pay.

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